Friday, August 31, 2007

Apache on your Flash Drive

A professional conversation between two not-so-acquainted guys of the webdesigning & PHP programming world.

Them meticulous looking Lokis of however-big position they occupy in their company:
So you PHP? So you RDBMS? Show me your stuff! Here, sit here.

Can I install...

No. No. You can't install something.


Tomorrow, I wanna see that tomorrow. Online. Have it online.

You don't want to be the you in this conversation, right? Well, then, bring out your dusty USB flash drive and install the portable XAMPP to it.

Apache server and MYSQL right away!

Make sure to change the Apache default port 80 to something not equal to 80, I use 69, to avoid conflict because some system may already have the same service running on that port. Config file is named httpd.conf on the ...\xampplite\apache\conf folder. Find this line "Listen 80" and change it to "Listen 69" if you want to run on the same Highway 69 like me. You have to restart the services. Install all your sample works in htdocs and I figure you already know what to do after that because I assume you have already used some Apps like XAMPP on your own system.

Download XAMPP:

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