Bloggers unite! Join the linking train that'll surely up your ranking in Technorati, Alexa, Google PR, SERP (Search Engine Result Page), among others.
1.) Copy and paste the entire matrix of “ViralTags” below.
2.) Substitute the Host Tag and one of the “ViralTags” in the matrix with your anchor text of choice containing your blog’s URL. Please keep anchor text to a maximum of 3 words to keep the matrix size manageable.
3.) When you get a ping back from someone that has your link in one of their “ViralTags”, practice good karma by copying his/her Host Tag’s anchor text (automatically the associated link will also be copied) and paste it over one of your “ViralTags” below.
4.) Encourage and invite your readers to do the same and soon this can grow virally.
============== Copy and Paste below this line ================
Host Tag: In Indie
The Beginning | Jolly Green Girl | Diet & Weight Loss | The Next Corner | Bloggers Journey | Key West or Bus | On the WebEd | Vi-Su | Reviews and Previews | Andy Coates | Daily Bulls | Ramblings | Internet Business Blog | Startup Entrepreneur Money | Billiards | The Broken Bow | KLAPKiDS | Esofthub's Web Finds | wotZcool | In Indie | Overseas Filipino Worker | Tech Gadgets Stocks | Monetize Your Blog | Job and Career | Calvin Harvey | Newsome | Blackyard Technologies | Inner 88 | Link Love | Blog in My Soup | Jason's Random Thoughts | Pixie Tail | Reyna Elena | Earn Money Online | Hanneng | Woman: God's Masterpiece | Controversy | Entrepreneurship Internet Web | Alex2000 | Blend | Sciura Pina | Cat on my Head | Dietro e la Casa | Gold Rush | Tech Startups Web2.0 | Mario's Weblog | Make Money Online | Plugins TV Blogging | Marco Bonomo | Cman's Money Page | Random Access Life | Really Funny Jokes | Patrick Curl | Wolly Weblog | Internet Marketing German | Stratz's Blog | Zarcone | 2012 Movies | Techcast Weekly | Business Blog Web | Samuel Silva | The Junky's Wife | il blog di iMod | Mrs. Sparrow | Tech Fun This n That | Blog Plus Ultra | Money Tips | Blogozine | Cool Websites | JackBook | BetShop Boy | BMoneySavvy | My Life | Catepol | Wissen Belastet | Adam OK | Yaab | Bloggo Intestinale | Fanatic Space | Crispnetworks | Telemac | Hoobin | Adzine for Marketees | Horeki | Manila Mom | Earn Global Online | Philippine Trip | Ageless Beautiy | Cafe Romanza | Maia Jose | Dogs, Pigs, Family | Credit Ability | Hot Buzz Hot Bizz | Mom's Veranda | Chuva | LunaTail | Blog dela TV | Andy Dang | BioHazard Gaming | Rich Minx | Steve's Tech Blog | How to Make Money Online | Jake Daily | Todo Musika | Really Smart Guy | 7 Confessions | John M. Justice | Make Extra Money | Filipino Programmers | Orient Lodge | Foximus | Static Thinkbox | Stealing Cameos from the Web | Photoshop Tutorials | Computer-75 | Super Blogging | Thomas' Off-the-Cuffs Blog | Linkrambler | La Jungla Sonora | Tech-Hack-Gadget | Jackbook | Blog it out | BMW-M-Power| Affiliate Watcher | Cash Money Blogging | Life Disguised in Humor | JLS Cisco Networking | MMMiii | Book Project | Mik3 | Wampago | Aopletal | Opinioni in Liberta | Business Chats | WCB Digest | That's What She Said | Gay Christians | Goldy World | Ryan Shamus | Miraz Tutorials | Islam for Me | Studs-Cash-Page | Mariuca | Munny 4 Hunny | First Time Dad | Dating in Your 40s | The Bookshelf | Russian Jokes | Sha Money Maker | No Heat | Dinosaurs | COPSnCROOKS | Debt Quit | My Own Journey | Jehzlau Concepts | Orchid | Anything Goes | Zona Cerebral | Imakesmoney | Truth & Opinion | Best Air Miles Deals | Seevs Place | Batang Yagit | Little Nina | Jemme | Sintunado | Abaniko | Angel Blush | Nostalgia Manila | Batang Baler | Ganar Dinero Online | I am Balong | Jehzlau Concepts | MF | Batang Yagit | Nakanampucha |Orchid | KLAPKids | Massge Spas Bodywork | FanaticSpace | dating 40s relationship | Space Blog | 7Confesions | Philippines is Amazing | Earn Money Online | | KidKronos | Freedom of Technology | Make Extra Money | ChronoTron | Business Chats | Blogger Whale | Feedget | E-cashworld | Secret Attract Gratitude | Sweet Hacks | Down The Tracks | Pinoy Guitar BT | Ganar Dinero Online | Pinoy Guitar BT | Get Money | Aloemoney | Get Rich From Home | OTWOMD | A Day In The Life | Angelblush | A's Asylum | GameOPS | Learning Without Limits | Web Site Design | Blogging News & Reviews | Henkou |Speedcat Hollydale | | 80's Cartoons | Motiveless Crime | Ibujempol BundaWAH | Daily tech notes | Pro Audio Matrix | Love Potion (Gayuma) | Talking Forum | Mommy's Getaway and Chat | Google 4 Google | Conte Aqui | Karlana's Blog | Cheezmizan With Chuva | only the best | The Millionaire Secrets | The Tech Thing | Blank Canvas | GPT Sites | Siyete | An Anonymous Journal | the QuickStop | Chicago 2016 | Weight Loss | DanAtMeDog's Vox | Blogging Tips | An Anonymous Journal | She Rambles On | MeL | Thoughts to blogs | Music@Misya | Creationist's Fantasy | Hollywood Beauties | Tollywood Hot Actresses | Bollywood Hot Actresses | Technology Music Life | Kindalikesorta | Life Is Colorful | Extra Income Online | Agloco-Pilipinas | Find an Agent become Famous | Premium content Free on YouTube| Island Ice | Shakyal | my daily snippets | The Auto Writer | Anti-Aging Info | Struggling Blogger Ramblings | Gio's Weblog | Chilli Flakes | Kelas-blog | Static ThinkBox | Team Kyoudo | can i have a kiss? | Shark Named Peppy | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags | ViralTags |
Important: Once I get a ping back from you, I will add your anchor text and the associated link you designate as “Host Tag” here, replacing one of the “ViralTags” from the matrix above. As more and more bloggers copy and paste this matrix, the more backlinks you will have from your anchor text. If everybody who copies and pastes from your blog does the same, pretty soon this will spread and go viral. Remember, the sooner you participate, the more links you will receive!
================ Copy and Paste from Above this line ==========
Pass the chiggy-chugging train on! Salamat kay Nostalgia Manila for this one.
Thank you for adding me to you matrix. But I have one little request for you - can you change "Bulletproof Harpist to COPSnCROOKS, please? I've just updated my blog and have changed the name of it so...
Thanks again! :)
Changed to COPSnCROOKS.
I've added you in my viral link!! May i know your email add, Ill add you in my Links page. Give it at my website thanks
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