Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Chronicles of the yet to be mashed up Graduation Day #1

I could only remember being up on stage high with fever to give the obligatory salutatorian speech during primary school.

Then, marching with a really wrinkled toga in secondary school and getting death threat from my C.A.T. officer for claiming the toga that same day and not ever participating in any of the graduation rehearsals.

Tertiary: I'm doing a Chronicle of Graduation Day as I will be getting my associate rolled-paper this 13th of October 2007.

Today, I'm officially and financially cleared from all liabilities and mishaps I might have caused the security guards in my last days in USC-TC. Concluded all examinations and projects and fetched a copy of my "for Graduation Day and Portal Photoshoot" that I will be posting on my next post.

Graduation Day by Head Automatica

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